About Link to heading

I’m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned Bloodshed C++. Since then nearly 20 years have passed, and I managed to get a Master degree in Computer Science and Statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had the opportunity to do machine learning and build distributed systems for early to mid stage startups. Right now my day job is at Paiqo tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation.

My professional interests are:

  • Machine Learning
  • High performance and distributed computing
  • Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation
  • Secure Coding

As for my personal life, I am married (Still finding it hard to figure out why she said yes!). I am also a father of three sons, cat person and a book worm committed to life long geek-hood.