
Batch Normalization¶

Batch normalization is not a optimization scheme, but an adaptive reparametrization trick used in neural networks. If we train a neural network we update each layer assuming that the other layers do not change, however this is not true and unexpected things might happen.

Let H be a minibatch of activations of the layer to normalize, arranged as a design matrix with activations for each example appearing in a row of the matrix. We replace H by:

\[\begin{split} H' = \frac{H - \mu}{\sigma} \\ H_j = \frac{H_{ij} - \mu_j}{\sigma_j} \end{split}\]
  • \(\mu\) is the mean of each unit

  • \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation of each unit

If we perform gradient descent on the transformed data, gradient will never propose a transformation that increases the mean or standard deviation of a hidden layer.

Batch normalization leads to reduced expressiveness of the network at a given unit. To maintain the expressiveness it is common to replace the batch of hidden units by:

\[ \gamma H' + \beta \]
  • \(\gamma, \beta\) are learned parameters allowing the layer to have a mean and standard deviations

This improves the expressiveness while retaining good learning dynamics. If we put it inside a layer of NN we get:

\[\begin{split} \phi(BN(XW + b)) \\ BN(H) = \gamma \odot \frac{H - \mu}{\sigma} + \beta \end{split}\]
  • \(\phi\) is the activation function of a layer

  • \(XW+b\) is our mini-batch H

Test time¶

During test time we replace \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) by a running average collected during training.