
Generailizes a Binomial distribution. Instead of flipping coins we can view this as rolling a K sided die.

We define \(x = (x_1, \cdots, x_K)\) be a random vector, where \(x_j\) is the number of times side j of the die occurs. Then x has the following pmf:

\[X \sim Mu(n, \theta) \triangleq \binom{n}{x_1 \cdots x_K} \prod_{j=1} ^K \theta_j^{x_j}\]
  • \(\binom{n}{x_1 \cdots x_K}\) is the multinomial coefficient

  • \(\theta = {\theta_1, \cdots, \theta_K}\) is a probability simplex, where each entry denotes the probability that a dies turns up with face \(k\).

Multinoulli (Categorical)¶

Is a special case of Multinomial: $\( Cat(x| \theta) \triangleq Mu(x| 1, \theta) = \prod_{j=1} ^K \theta_j^{x_j} \)$

This can be also viewed as One-Hot encoding.