
EM as variational inference¶

Lets consider the posterior inference problem for \(p(z|x)\), where \(x\) is held fixed as evidence. We can apply variational inference framework by taking \(p(x,z)\) to be unnormalized, in this case \(p(x)\) will be the normalization constant.

The goal of VI is maximize the evidence lower bound (ELBO) over q:

\[ L(p,q)= E_{q(z)}[\log p(x,z|\theta) - \log q(z)] \]

ELBO satisfies the equation:

\[ \log p(x|\theta) = KL(q(z|| p(z|x,\theta))) + L(p,q) \]

Hence \(L(p,q)\) is maximized when \(q = p(z|x)\), in this case the KL term is zero and the lower bound is tight: \(\log p(x|\theta) = L(p,q)\)

We can view EM as iteratively optimizing the ELBO over \(q\) (at the E step) and \(\theta\) (at the M step).

We start at some \(\theta_t\), we compute the posterior \(p(z|x,\theta)\) at the E step.


We start at some \(\theta_t\) at the E-step we compute the posterior \(p(z|x,\theta)\). We evaluate the ELBO for \(q=p(z|x,\theta)\), this makes the ELBO tight:

\[ \log p(x|\theta_t) = E_{p(z|x,\theta_t)}\log p(x,z|\theta_t) - E_{p(z|x,\theta_t)}\log p(z|x,\theta_t) \]

Next we optimize the ELBO over p by holding q fixed. We solve:

\[ \theta_{t+1} = \arg \max_{\theta} E_{p(z|x, \theta_t)} \log p(x,z|\theta) - E_{p(z|x,\theta_t)}\log p(z|x, \theta_t) \]

This step is precisely the optimization problem solved at the M step of EM.

Solving this problem increases the ELBO. However, since we fixed \(q\) to \(\log p(z|x,\theta_t)\), the ELBO evaluated at the new \(\theta_{t+1}\) is no longer tight. But since the ELBO was equal to \(p(x|\theta_t)\) before optimization, we know that the true log-likelihood \(\log p(x|\theta_{t+1})\) must have increase.

By repeatably computing \(p(z|x, \theta_{t+1})\) (The E-step), plugging \(p(z|x,\theta_{t+1})\) into ELBO (this makes the ELBO tight), and maximizing the resulting expression over \(\theta\). Every step increases the marginal likelihood \(p(x|\theta_t)\).