PMF/PDF of a function of random variables¶

Given a random variable X, the pdf of X is \(P(X = x)\), now if we have a function \(Y = f(X)\) we may want to find \(P(Y = y)\). This process is similar to change of variables in integration. Fortunately if \(P(X = x)\) is known we may express \(P(Y = y)\) using \(P(X = x)\).

\[ P(Y = g(x)) = P(g(X) = g(x)) = P(X = x) \]

Which end up as:

\[ (P(g(X) = y) = \sum_{x: g(x) = y} P(X = x) \]

Since \(g\) does not necessarily is a one-to-one function, we may need to sum up the values. (For continuous functions we replace the sum for an integral).


If X is continous and f is smooth than \(Y = f(X)\) is given:

\[ p_y(y) = p_x(x) |\frac{dx}{dy} | \]

This is the change of variables formula where:

  • \(|\frac{dx}{dy} |\) can be viewed as the change in volume as we move from x into y space.

We can extend this to multiple dimension here we need to define the Jacobian.

\[p_y (y) = p_x (x) |\det (\frac{\partial x}{\partial y})| \]
\[p_y (y) = p_x (x) |\det J_{y \rightarrow x}| \]