Markov assumption¶

A key to efficiency is represent large joint distributions is to make some assumptions about conditional independence.

\[X \perp Y |Z \Leftrightarrow p(X,Y|X) = p(X|Z)p(Y|Z) \]

Hence X and Y are conditionaly independent if the conditional joint can be written as the product of conditional marginals.

We can use conditional indpendence to express the markov assumption, “future data is independent of the past given the present” \(x_{t+1} \perp x_{1:t-1}| x_t\).

\[p(x_{1:V}) = p(x_1) \prod_{t = 1}^Vp(x_t|x_{t-1})\]

This is also called a Markov chain. They can be characterized by an initial distribution over states \(p(x_t = i)\) plus a state transition matrix \(p(x_t= j | x_{t-1} = i )\)