Non-Linear, non-Gaussian SSMs¶

Unfortunately many models are non linear. Objets do not move in straight lines. And non-Gaussian noise is also very common, due to outliers, or when we infer parameters for GLMs instead of just linear regression. For these methods we no longer can get a closed solution, we need to use approximate inference.

Let \(X\) be a random variable that has Gaussian distribution, and let \(f\) be a nonlinear function hence, \(Y = f(X)\) is no longer Gaussian.

There are 2 ways how to approximate \(p(Y)\).

  1. Perfrom a first-order approximation of \(f\)

  2. Use exact \(f\), but project \(f(x) \) onto the space of Gaussians by moment matching.

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)¶

Here we focus on nonlinear models, but we assume that the noise is Gaussian we have a model:

\[\begin{split} z_t = g(u_t, z_{t-1}) + \mathcal{N}(0, Q_t) \\ y_t = h(z_t) + \mathcal{N}(0,R_t) \end{split}\]
  • \(g\) is the transition model, is nonlinear but differentiable

  • \(h\) is the observation model, is nonlinear but differentiable

The extended Kalman filter or EKF can be applied to nonlinear Gaussian dynamical systems of this form. The basic idea is to linearize \(g\) and \(h\) about the previous state estimate using a first order Taylor series expansion, and then to apply the standard Kalman filter equations. Thus we approximate the stationary non-linear dynamical system with a non-stationary linear dynamical system.

Unscented Kalman filter¶

It is a better version of EKF. The key intuition is that it is easier to approximate a Gaussian than to approximate a function. So instead of perfroming a linear approximation to the function, and passing a Gaussian through it, instead pass a deterministically chosen set of points, known as sigma points, through the function, and fit a Gaussian to the resulting trasformed points. This is known as the unscented transform.

The UKF performs the unscented transfrom twice, once to approximate passing throught the system model g, and one to approximate passing through the measurement model h.

Assumed density filtering (ADF)¶

Perfroms exact update step, but approximate the posterior by a distribution of certain convenient form (such as Gaussian). Here we make the approximation better by minimizing the KL divergence.