Potential Function¶

In markov random fields there is no topological ordering and we cannot factor \(p(y)\) using [d-separation]. Instead we associate potential functions (factors) with each maximal clique in the graph. The potential function for clique c is:

A potential function is non-negative function of its arguments. The join distribution is then defined to be proportional to the product of clique potentials.

\[\psi_c (y_c|\theta_c)\]


Lets take the following distribution: $\( \tilde{p}(A,B,C,D) = \phi(A,B)\phi(B,C)\phi(C,D)\phi(D,A) \\ p(A,B,C,D) = \frac{1}{Z}\tilde{p}(A,B,C,D) \\ Z = \sum_{A,B,C,D}\tilde{p}(A,B,C,D) \)$

The potential for A,B can be defined as:

\[\begin{split} \phi(A,B) = \begin{cases} 10 & \text{ if } A = B =1 \\ 5 & \text{ if } A = B = 0 \\ 1 & \text{ otherwise} \end{cases} \end{split}\]

This differs form conditional probability (they define how one variable generates an another). Thus potential functions only indicate an level of coupling between dependent variables in a graph.

Linear potential functions¶

A general approach is to define log potentials as linear functions of the parameters:

\[\log \phi_c(y_c) \triangleq \phi_c(y_c)^T\theta_c \]
  • \(\phi_c(y_c)\) is a feature vector derived from the values of the variables \(y_c\).

The resulting log probabilities have the form:

\[ \log p(y|\theta) = \sum_c \phi_c(y_c)^T\theta_c - \log Z(\theta) \]

These are also known as maximum entropy or log linear models.