Generalized linear mixed models¶

We generalize multi-task learnining scenario to llow the response to include information at the group level \(x_j\) as well as on the item level \(x_{ij}\). We can also allow the parameters to vary across groups \(\beta_j\), or to be tied across groups, \(\alpha\). This gives the following model:

\[ E[y_{ij}| x_{ij}, x_i] = g(\phi_{1}(x_{ij}^T \beta_j + \phi_2(x_j)^T \beta'_j + \phi_3(x_{ij}^T \alpha + \phi_4(x_j)^T \alpha')) \]
  • \(\phi_k\) are basis functions.

  • \(\beta_j\) their number grows with each group, and they are also called random effects since they wary across groups

  • \(\alpha\) are called fixed effects, since they are viewed as fixed but unknown constant. Hente these models are called mixed models and if \(p(y|x)\) is a GLM they are called generalized linear mixed effect models

Computational issues¶

They are bloody hard to fit, and in general ve use MCMC or Variational EM.