Regularization in Neural Networks¶

The main idea behind regularization is to reduce the variance of an estimator without increasing its bias by much. This leads to better performance on a holdout set.

Regularization can help to solve undetermined (unidentifiable) problems. In deep learning the best performing models are large and heavily regularized.

Parameter norm penalties¶

We extend the objective function by introducing a norm penalty:

\[ \tilde{J}(\theta; X,y) = J(\theta; X,y ) + \alpha \Omega(\theta) \]
  • \(\Omega\) is the norm penalty on the weights \(\theta\)

  • \(\alpha \in [0, \infty]\) controls the influence of the norm penalty, larger values contribute more regularization, it may be different for different layers

If we minimize \(\tilde{J}\) we booth minimize the objective and the penalty. Based on the choice for \(\Omega\) we get different solutions.

Regularization is applied only to the weights of affine transformation not the bias terms.

L2 regularization (Weight Decay, Thinkov regularization)¶

\[\begin{split} \Omega(\theta) = \frac{1}{2}||w||^2_2 \\ w \leftarrow (1 - \epsilon \alpha)w - \epsilon \nabla J(w; X,y) \end{split}\]

This results in weight decay, at every step we shrink the weight by a constant factor.

After training weight decay results in shrinking the weights of a regularized proportional to the hessian of the loss function and the regularization strength.

\[ \tilde{w}_i = w^*_i - \frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_i + \alpha} \]
  • \(w^*\) is the unregularized solution

  • \(\lambda_i\) is the ith eigenvalue of the hessian of the unregularized objective function, if \(\lambda_i\) is small than this direction contributes only little and it is shrunk more.

  • \(\alpha\) controls the strength of regularization

L1 regularization¶

\[\begin{split} \Omega(\theta) = ||w|| = \sum_i |w_i| \\ \tilde{J} (w;X,y) = \alpha ||w||_i + J(w;X,y) \\ \nabla \tilde{J} = \alpha \text{sign}(w) + \nabla_w J(w;X,y) \end{split}\]
  • the gradient does not scale linearly for each w but it is a linear factor with sign \(\text{sign}(w)\).

Noise robustness¶

If we add a small noise to the weights:

\[ \epsilon w \sim N(\epsilon; 0, \eta I) \]

This forces the parameters to go into regions where the space is relatively flat, thus a small perturbation of weights will lead only to a small change in the output.

Label smoothing¶

We inject noise at the target labels, thus we explicitly model error in the input. An example is to replace hard 0-1 assignment by scaling them up or down by a small number.

Early stopping¶

We stop training when we stop improving.


Dropout approximates building an ensample of neural networks.