Directed vs undirected graphical models¶

We cannot say that one is more powerful than the other. Since there are some CI relationships that can be modeled by a DGM, but nod a UGM. An example is:

\(A \rightarrow C \leftarrow B\) where \(A \perp B\) but not \(A \cancel{\perp} B | C\)

\(A - C -B\) where \(A \perp B | C\) but \(A \cancel{\perp} B\)

In general the CI properties in UGMs are monotonic, in the following sense:

\[A \perp B |C \Rightarrow A \perp B | (C \cup D)​\]

But in DGMs, CI properties can be non-monotonic, since conditioning on extra variables can eliminate conditional independence due explaining away.

Some distributions can be perfectly modeled by either a DGM or a UGM; the resulting graphs are called decomposable or cordal. Roughly speaking, this means that if we collapse together all the variables in each maximal clique, to make “mega variable”, the resulting graph will be a tree.

Advantages of UGM vs DGM¶

  1. UGMs are symmetric and are more natural for certain domains, such as spatial or relational data, where there is no clear causal relationship.

  2. Conditional random fields work better than discriminative DGMs

Disadvantages of UGM vs DGM¶

  1. Parameters are less interpretable and less modular

  2. Parameter estimation is more expensive. Computing the normalization constant Z in general is NP hard.

Rule of Thumb¶

Use Bayesian networks whenever possible, switch to MRF when there is no natural way to model the problem with directed graph.