Posterior distribution¶

The posterior distribution is the prior distribution afther observing some data. Or it is the likelihood times prior normalized.

\[ p(\theta|D) = \frac{p(D|\theta)p(\theta)}{p(D)} \]

Enough data¶

In the limit as we have enough data \(p(\theta|D)\) becomes peaked at a single point, MAP estimate \(\hat{\theta}^{MAP} = \argmax_{\theta}p(\theta|D)\)

\[ p(\theta|D) \rightarrow \delta_{\hat{\theta}^{MAP}}(\theta) \]


We can express MAP as:

\[\hat{\theta}^{MAP} =\argmax_{\theta} p(D|\theta)p(\theta) = \argmax_{\theta} [\log p(D|\theta) + \log p(\theta)]\]

The likelihood is the only part that depends on the sample size, the prior stays constant, as we get more and more data MAP converges maximum likelihood estimate (MLE).

\[ \hat{\theta}^{mle} \triangleq \argmax_{\theta} p(D|\theta) = \argmax_{\theta} \log p(D|\theta) \]

In other words if we get enough data the data overwhelms the prior thus MAP estimate converges to towards MLE.

Sumarizing the posterior distribution¶

Th posterior distribution summarized everything we know about a set of unkonw variables. But sometimes we need to derive some point estimates or other quantities.