Robust linear regression¶

Normaly we assume that a linear model is of a form:

\[p(y|x, \theta) = \mathcal{N}(y| w^Tx, \sigma^2)\]

However this setting is sensitive to outliers. If we would like to make it more robust, we have to change the likelihood distribution, to a heavy tailed distribution.

We can use Laplace distribution:

\[p(y|x,w,b) = Lap(y|w^Tx, b) \propto \exp(-\frac{1}{b}| y - w^Tx|) \]

Here the robustness arises from the use of \(|y - w^Tx|\) istead of \((y - w^Tx)^2\). If we assume that \(b\) is fixed, our NNL becomes

\(l(w) = \sum_i |r_i(w)|\)


  • \(r_i \triangleq y_i - w^Tx_i\)

Unfortunatelly this is a nonlinear objective function, which is hard to optimize. We can convert the NNL to a linear objective function using the split variable trick:

\[r_i \triangleq r^+_i - r^{-}_i\]

We get the following contrained optimization problem

\[min_{w,r^+,r^-} \sum_i(r_i^+ + r^-_i)\]


\[ r_i^+ \ge 0, r_i^- \ge 0, w^Tx_i + r_i^+ + r_i^- = y_i \]

This is a linear programm which we can convert to standard form:

\[ \min_{\theta} f^T\theta \space \text{ s.t: } \space A\theta \le b, A_{eq}\theta = b_{eq}, 1 \le \theta \le u \]
  • \(\theta = (w, r^+, r^-)\)

  • \(f = [0,1,1]\)

  • \(A = []\)

  • \(b = []\)

  • \(A_{eq} = [X, I,I]\)

Alteratively we can choose to minimize the Hubert loss.

\[\begin{split}L_H(r, \delta) = \begin{cases} r^2/2 & \text{ if } |r| \le \delta \\ \delta|r| - \delta^2/2 & \text{ if } |r| > \delta \end{cases} \end{split}\]

This is equivalent to \(l_2\) for errors that are smaller than \(\delta\) and \(l_1\) for larger errors. Advantage of this method is that it is differentiable. And we can use Quasi-newton instead of LP. (Faster)