Deep generative models¶

The form of a directed latent-variable model is:

\[ p(x,z) = p(x|z)p(z) \]
  • \(x \in X\) are observed (possible continuous or discrete)

  • \(z \in R^d\) are latent

A deep generative model assumes that we have many hidden layers:

\[ p(x|z_1)p(z_1|z_2)p(z_2|z_3)\cdots p(z_{m-1}|z_{m})p(z_m) \]

This allows us to learn hierarchies of latent observations.

Learning deep generative models¶

Given a dataset \(D=\{x^1, x^2, \cdots, x^n \}\) we are interested in:

  • learn the parameters \(\theta\) of p

  • approximate posterior inference over z, given x (find latent factors)

  • approximate marginal inference over x, given x with missing parts (perform fill in)

We make the following assumptions

  • Intractability, computing the posterior \(p(z|x)\) is intractable

  • Big data, the size of dataset D is too large to fit in memory, thus we can only work with sub-samples of D

Traditional approach¶


We cannot perform EM since

  • the E step approximates the posterior \(p(z|x)\) which is intractable

  • the M step we learn \(\theta\) by looking at the entire dataset which does not fit into the memory


The time complexity of mean filed is exponential with the size of the markov blanket of the target variable. The markov blanked for z is complicated since it contains V structures, thus potentially we have to condition on all the z variables which is intractable.


Sampling does not scale well.

Auto encoding variational bayes¶

Allows us to perform inference and learning efficiently.