
Maximum likelihood markov random fields¶

We are given a dataset D and we want to estimate \(\theta\) via maximum likelihood. Since we work with exponential families the maximum likelihood is concave. The log likelihood is:

\[ \frac{1}{|D|} \log p(D;\theta) = \frac{1}{|D|}\sum_{x \in D}\theta^T f(x) - Z(\theta) \]

Here we have two parts:

  1. \(\frac{1}{|D|}\sum_{x \in D}\theta^T f(x)\). This is the easy part since it is linear in \(\theta\) and we can decompose it.

  2. \(\log Z(\theta) = \log \sum_x \exp(\theta^T f(x))\). This is hard to optimize, and hard to evaluate.

The gradient of the second parts is:

\[ \nabla_{\theta} \log Z(\theta) = E_{x \sim p}[f(x)] \]

Computing the expectation requires inference with respect to \(p\) which in general is intractable, thus computing the gradient is intractable.

We can compute the hessian of \(\log Z(\theta)\):

\[ \nabla^2_{\theta} \log Z(\theta) = E_{x \sim p}[f(x)f(x)^T] - E_{x\sim p}[f(x)]E_{x\sim p}[f(x)]^T = \text{cov}[f(x)] \]

The covariance matrix is always positive-definite, thus \(\log Z(\theta)\) is convex (this is also known from the fact that it is an exponential family).


Since computing the gradient is intractable the whole optimization problem is hard, even if it is convex.