Comparing OLS with Ridge and Lasso¶

If we assume that \(X\) is orthonormal \(X^TX = I\) we can express RSS as:

\[\begin{split} RSS(w) = ||y - Xw||^2 = y^Ty + w^TX^TXw - 2w^TXy \\ = const + \sum_k w_k^2 - 2\sum_k \sum_i w_kx_{ik}y_i \end{split}\]

It factorizes into a sum of terms, one per dimension.

OLS solution is given:¶

\[ \hat{w}_k^{OLS} = x_{:k}^Ty \]

This is just an orthogonal projection of feature k onto the response vector.


\[ \hat{w}_k^{RIDGE} = \frac{\hat{w}_k^{OLS}}{ 1 + \lambda} \]


\[ \hat{w}_k^{LASSO} = sing(\hat{w}_k^{OLS}) (|\hat{w}_k^{OLS}| - \frac{\lambda}{2}) \]