Kernel trick¶

We replaces all the inner products of the form \(<x, x'>\) with a call to the kernel function

\[k(x, x') =\phi(x)^T \phi(x')\]
  • \(\phi\) is a feature function

This is called the kernel trick. It turns out that many algorithms can be kernelized in this way. Note that we require that the kernel be a Mercer kernel for this trick to work. The kernel function is equivalent to preprocessing the data by applying \(\phi(x)\) to all the inputs then lean a linear model on the transformed space.

Kernel trick is powerful because:

  • we can learn models that are nonlinear as a function of x using convex optimization (guaranteed to converge). The decision function is linear but we transform the input space

  • using kernel function is computationally more efficient than constructing two transformed vectors \(\phi(x)\) and calculate the dot product (especially for infinite dimensional kernels (\(k(x,x') = \min(x, x')\)) this corresponds to infinite dimensional dost product)

Nearest neighbor classification¶

In nearest neighbours we need to compute the Euclidean distance of the test vector to all the training points and find the closest. We can kernelize:

\[ ||x_i = x_{i'}||_2^2 = <x_i, x_{i'}> + <x_{i'}, x_{i'}> - 2 <x_i, x_{i'}> \]

K-medoids clustering¶

We can kernelize the distance function.

\[d(i,i') = ||x_i -x_{i'}||_2^2\]

This algorithm works in \(O(n_k^2)\) per cluster where K-means takes \(O(n_kD)\) to update each cluster.


Let \(x \in R^D\) be some feature vector, and X be the corresponding \(N \times D\) design matrix. We want to minimize:

\[ J(w) = (y - Xw)^T(y - Xw) + \lambda ||w||^2 \]

The optimal solution is given by:

\[ w = (X^TX + \lambda I_D)^{-1}X^Ty = (\sum_{i}x_ix_i^T + \lambda I_D)^{-1}X^Ty \]

To kenerlize we need \(XX^T\) not \(X^TX\) but using the matrix inversion lehma we can express:

\[ w = X^T(XX^T + \lambda I_N)^{-1}y \]

We can partially kernelize this if we replace \(XX^T\) by a Gramm matrix K, but we still have an leading \(X^T\) term.

Lets define the dual variables

\[ a = (K + \lambda I_N)^{-1}y \]

We can rewrite the primal variables as

\[ w = X^Ta = \sum_{i=1}^N a_i x_i \]

The solution vector is just a linear sum of N training vectors. We can express the predictive mean as:

\[ \hat{f}(x) = w^Tx = \sum_{i=1}^N a_i i^T = \sum_{i=1}^N a_i\mathcal{k}(x, x_i) \]

Chaning to dual variables is an common approach to kernlize stuff.

Kernel PCA¶

PCA computes an low-dimensional linear embedding of some data. It requires finding the eigenvectors of the sample covariacne matrix \(S = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N x_ix_i^T = (1/N)X^TX\). However we can compute PCA also by finding the eigen vectors of the inner product matrix \(XX^T\). This allows us to produce a nonlinear embedding, using the kernel trick.

Linear PCA is limited to use \(L \le D\) components, in kPCA we can use up to N components since the rank of \(\Phi\) is \(N \times D\), where D is the (potentionally infinite) dimensionality of embedded feature vecotrs.

There is a close connection between kernel PCA and a technique known as multidimensional scaling or MDS. This methods finds a low-dimensional embedding such that Euclidean distance in the embedding space approximates the original dissimilarity matrix.