
Monte carlo method to approximate the sampling distribution. It is particulary usefull when the estimator is a complex function of the true parameters. The idea is:

Given we known the true parameters \(\theta^*\), we can generate many (say S) fake datasets each of size N, from the true distribution \(x_i^s \sim p(\cdot| \theta^*)\) for \(s = 1: S, i=1:N\) now we can compute our estimator from each sample \(\hat{\theta}^s = f(x_{1:N}^s)\) and use the empirical distribution of the resulting samples as our estimate of the sampling distribution. Since in general \(\theta\) is unknown we can use parametric bootstrap to generate samples using \(\hat{\theta}(D)\) instead. Or nonparametric boostrap to sample \(x_i^s\) (with replacement ) from the original dataset D.

We can think of Boostrap as a “poor man’s” posterior. Since in the case when the prior is not strong, the sampling distribuiton and the posterior can be quite similar.