Greedy layer wise unsupervised pre-training¶

  • rely on a single layer representation learning algorithm as RBM or single layer autoencoder, sparse coding or some latent variable representation.

  • we greedily pre-train each layer using unsupervised pre-training, when we ad a new layer than the weights of the previous layer are not adapted anymore. Each new layer should produce a new representation that should be simpler than the previous

  • it is not popular anymore, but it is still used in NLP.

  • after pre-training we train the network as a whole, thus we fine tune all the layers together

  • we can use it as initialization for unsupervised learning algorithms as deep autoencoders or probabilistic models with many layers of latent variables.

  • pretraining provided more consistent convergence

When this will work?¶

  • on many tasks it is harmful, and it was used to provide a good initialization to avoid local minima, but since we have a lot of data we do not worry about local minima anymore

  • popular for word embedding, in general abandoned

  • well suited if we have only a few labeled examples


  • separate training stages make it hard to tune hyperparameters