
A graph \(G = (V, E)\) consists of set of nodes \(V = \{1, \cdots, V\}\) and a set of edges \(E= \{(s,t) : s,t \in V\}\). We can represent the graph by its adjacency matrix, \(G(s,t) =1\) to denote \((x,t) \in E\), that is if \(s \rightarrow t\) is an edge in the graph. We assume that \(G(s,s) = 0\) that means we do not have self loops.


For a directed graph, the parents of a node is the set of all nodes that feed into it $\(pa(s) \triangleq \{ g: G(t,s) = 1 \}\)$


For a directed graph, the child of a node is the set of all nodes that feed out of it: $\( ch(s) \triangleq \{t: G(s,t) = 1 \} \)$


For a directed graph, the family of a node is the node and its parents $\( fam(s) = \{ s\} \cup pa(s) \)$


For a directed graph, a root is a node with no parents


For a directed graph, a leaf is a node with no children


For a directed graph, the ancestors are the parents, grandparents, etc of a node. That is the ancestor of t is the set of nodes that connect to \(t\) via a trail: $\( anc(t) \triangleq \{ s: s \rightsquigarrow t\} \)$


For a directed graph, the descendant are the children, grand-children, etc of a node. That is, the descendants of \(s\) is the set of nodes that can be reached via trails from \(s\).

\[ desc(s) \triangleq \{s \rightsquigarrow t\} \]


For any graph, we define the neighbours of a node as the set of all immediately connected nodes,

\[ nbr(s) \triangleq \{ t: G(s,t) = 1 \vee G(t,s) = 1 \} \]

For an undirected graph, we write \(s \sim t\) to indicate that s and t are neighbours (so \((s,t) \in E\) is an edge in the graph)


The degree of a node is the number of neighbours, for diirected graphs, we speed of the in-degree and out-degree, the number of parents and its children.

Cycle or Loop¶

For a graph we define a cycle a sereis of nodes such taht we can get back to where we started by following at least two edges. If the graph is directed we may speak of directed cycles.


A directed acyclic graph is a directed graph with no directed cycles

Topological ordering¶

For a DAG, a topological ordering (total ordering) is the numbering of nodes such that parents have lower numbers than their children.

Path or Trails¶

A path or trail \(s \rightsquigarrow t\) is a series of directed edges leading from s to t.


An undirected tree is an undirected graph with no cycles. A directed tree is a DAG in which there are no directed cycles. If a node can have multiple parents we call it polytree


A forrest is a set of trees


A subgraph \(G_A\) is the graph creted by using the nodes in A and their corresponding edge \(G_A = (V_A, E_A)\)


For an undirected graph, a clique is a set of nodes that are all neighbors of each other. A maximal clique is a clique which cannot be made any larger without loosing the clique property.