
Slow feature Analysis¶

  • a version of linear factor model that uses information from time signals to learn invariant features

  • slow feature is motivated by the slowness principle, this principle states that the most important characteristics of a scene change slowly, compared to individual measurements. (pixels change rapidly but the position only slowly)


\[\begin{split} \min_{\theta} E_l[f(x^{t+1})_i -f(x^{(t)})_i]^2 \\ \text{s.t: } \\ E_t[f(x^{(t)})]_i = 1 \\ E_t[f(x^{(t)})^2]_i = 1 \\ \forall i < j \space E_t[f(x^{(t)})_i f(x^{(t)})_j]=0 \end{split}\]

The last constrain forces the features to be linearly decorelated. If it would not be present then it would capture the same feature.