
Graphical model provides an compact way to define joint probability distriubions, where we use these distributions to perfrom probabilistic inference.

In general we have a set of correlated random variables with joint distribution \(p(x_{1:V}| \theta)\). (Where we assume \(\theta\) is known). Where some of those variables are observed, visible variables \(x_v\), and unobserved, hidden variables, \(x_h\). Now we want to compute the posterior:

\[p(x_h|x_v, \theta) = \frac{p(x_h, x_v| \theta)}{p(x_v|\theta)} = \frac{p(x_h, x_v|\theta)}{\sum_{x_h'} p(x'_h, x_v|\theta)}\]

Here we condition on the data by clamping the visible variables to their observed values \(x_v\) and normalizing to go from \(p(x_h, x_v)\) to \(p(x_h|x_v)\). And the normalization constnat \(p(x_v|\theta)\) is the likelihood of the data called probability of the evidence