Dirichlet Compound Multinomial¶

\[p(x_i | y_i =c ,\alpha ) = \int Mu(x_i| N_i, \theta_c) Dir(\theta_c| \alpha_c) d\theta_c = \frac{N_i!}{\prod_{i=1}^D x_{ij}!} \frac{B(x_i + \alpha_c)}{B(\alpha)}\]

If we would compare the classical multinomial with Dirichlet compound multinomial then:

  • Multinomial model is like drawing a ball fom an urn with K collors ball, recording that collor and then replacing it.

  • DMC corresponds to drawing a ball, recording its collor and replacing it with one additional copy. (Polya urn)


Some NLP, it can be used to capture burstiness phenomenon, which is when we observer an word it will make the probability of observing it again more likely.