Variable elimination example¶

Lets look at the following Bayesian Network:

This model corresponds to the following distribution:

\[ p(l,g,i,d,s) = p(l|g)p(s|i)p(i)p(g|i,d)p(d) \]

Our goal is to find \(p(l)\) by eliminating variables according to the topological ordering in the graph.

We going to eliminate in the order


At each step we create a factor: $\( \tau_1(g,i) = \sum_d p(g|i,d)p(d) \\ \tau_2(g,s) = \sum_i \tau_1(g,i)p(i)p(s|i) \\ \tau_3(g) = \sum_s\tau_2(g,s) \)$

The last step is to eliminate g, thus we get:

\[\begin{split} p(l) = \sum_g p(l|g)\tau_3(g) \\ p(l) = \sum_g p(l|g)\sum_s\sum_ip(s|i)p(i)\sum_dp(g|i,d)p(d) \end{split}\]

This takes up at most \(O(k^3)\)

If we would choose an different ordering it would be different. If we choose to eliminate \(g\) first we would have to transform the factors \(p(g|i,d)p(l|g)\) into \(\tau(d,il)\) this would require \(O(k^4)\) (k times for each conditional variable, and k times for each value of g). If we would have an factor \(p(g|s)\) we would require to eliminate it too and it would result in \(\tau(d,i,l,s)\) which would take \(O(k^5)\).

We can see that the ordering is making an large difference.