The EM Algorithm

Widely used algorithm for learning directed latent-variable graphical models of the form

  • \(z\) are latent variables

  • \(\theta\) are model parameters

Since the latent variables are unobserved, they pose a challenge for optimization.

The idea behind EM is that:

  1. If the latent variables where fully observed, we could optimize the log-likelihood exactly using previously seen closed form solution for \(p(x,z)\)

  2. Knowing the parameters, we can often efficiently compute the posterior \(p(z|x,\theta)\) (for some models this is not true)

The Algorithm works in two steps

  1. Given an estimate \(\theta^t\) of the parameters compute \(p(z|x)\) and use to “hallucinate” values for z.

  2. Find a new \(\theta_{t+1}\) by optimizing the resulting tractable objective.

Hallucinating data means that it computes the mean expected log likelihood:

\[ E_{z \sim p(z|x)} \log p(x,z|\theta) \]

If z is not too high dimensional we can compute this expectation. And since this expectation is outside the log, we can decompose it into a sum of log conditional probability distributions, that can be optimized independently.

Formal Algorithm

For a dataset D we initialize \(\theta_0\) to some random value and for \(t=1,2,\cdots,\) we repeat until converged.

  • E-step: For each \(x \in D\), compute the posterior \(p(z|x,\theta)\)

  • M-step: Compute the new parameters via: $\( \theta_{t+1} = \arg \max_{\theta} \sum_{x \in D} E_{z \sim p(z|x_t, \theta_t)} \log p(x,z|\theta) \)$

Detailed overview

Let \(x_i\) be visible or observed variable in case i, and let \(z_i\) be the hidden or missing variables. The goal is to maximize the log likelihood function of the observed data:

\[l(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^N \sum_{i=1}^N \log p(x_i | \theta) = \sum_{i=1}^N \log [ \sum_{z_i} p(x_i, z_i | \theta)] \]

This is hard to optimize since we cannot push the log inside the sum.

The EM gets arround the problem as follows. Define the complete data log likelihood to be:

\[ l_c(\theta) \triangleq \sum_{i=1}^N \log p(x_i, z_i | \theta)\]

This cannot be computed, since \(z_i\) is unknown. So let us define the expected complete data log likelihood as follows:

\[Q(\theta, \theta^{t -1}) = E[l_c (\theta)| D, \theta^{t -1}]\]

where t is the current iteration number. Q is called the auxiliary function. The expectation is taken wrt the old parameters, \(\theta^{t -1}\), and the observed D. The goal of the E step is to compute \(Q(\theta, \theta^{t -1})\), or rather, the terms inside of it which the MLE depends onl these are known as the expected sufficient statistics (ESS). In the M step, we optimize the Q function wrt \(\theta\):

\[ \theta^t = \arg \max_{\theta} Q(\theta, \theta^{t-1}) \]

To perform MAP estimation we modify the M step as follows:

\[ \theta^t = \arg \max_{\theta} Q(\theta, \theta^{t-1}) + \log p(\theta) \]

The E step retains unchanged. The EM algorithm monotonically increases the log likelihood of the observed data.


EM monotonically decreases the observed data log likelihood until it reaches a local maximum.


We can apply it to latent variable models like:

Connection to Variational Inference

We can understand the behavior of EM by casting it in the framework of variational inference.


  • The marginal likelihood increases after each EM cycle

  • The marginal likelihood is an upper-bounded by its true global maximum, and it increases at every step, EM must eventually convergence.

Unfortunately here we optimize an non-convex objective, thus may not find an global optimum. In practice we tend to have multiple restarts of the algorithms, and find the best solution.