Conjugate prior¶

Finding the posterior

\[p(\theta|D) = \frac{p(D|\theta)p(\theta)}{p(D)}\]

The true chalange is solving the following integral:

\[ p(D) = \int_{\theta}p(D|\theta)p(\theta) \]

In most cases there is no closed form solution to it, unless we choose an specific prior for a specific likelihood. If we choose an conjugate prior to an likelihood, than the posterior will be the same distribution as the prior.

For a prior to be conjugate it has to be proportional to the likelihood.

Beta binomial model¶

In the beta binomial model wee choose an beta prior to a binomial likelihood, the posterior distribution than becomes a beta distribution. It can be used for modeling binary outcomes.

Dirichlet Multinomial¶

In the dirichlet multinomial we choose dirichlet prior to an multinomial distribution. It generalizes the beta binomial model for multiclass classification.

Sufficient statistics¶

//TODO Sufficient statistics