Bayesian model selection¶

We need to evaluating which model is better. We can either perform K-fold cross validation, which can be inefficient an more efficient ways is to compute the posterior over models:

\[p(m|D) = \frac{p(D|m)p(m)}{\sum_{m \in M}p(m,D)} \]

Now to find the most probable model we can compute: $\(\hat{m} = \arg \max p(m|D) \)$

If use an uniform prior over \(p(m)\) than the upper equations reduces to maximizing:

\[p(D|m) = \int p(D| \theta)p(\theta|m)d\theta \]

This quantity is called the marginal likelihood, integrated likelihood, or evidence for model m.

Finding the marginal likelihood involves interating over the all the models and prevets from overfitting.

If we manage to find the marginal likelihood we may compute bayes factor to compare two models.