Logistic regression¶

It can be viewed as a binary classification model defied as:

\[ p(y|x,w) = Ber(y| sigm(w^Tx))\]

Now we can threshold \(p(y|x,w) = 0.5\) to classify \(y=1\), if we do this we get a linear decision boundary.

We can interpret logistic regression in therms of log ods \(LO \triangleq \log \frac{p(y=1| x)}{p(y=0| x)}\). If this is a linear function than we can interpert the coefficients as the increase in \(e^w\).


If we want to model the relationship between smoking a cigarete and gettng lung cancer. If our weight on smoking cigarete is \(w=1.3\), than we can say that by smoking a cigarete the probability of getting cancer increases by \(e^{1.3}\)


The negative log likelihood is given by:

\[ NLL(w) = - \sum_{i =1}^N[y_i \log \mu_i + (1 - y_i)\log(1 - \mu_i)]\]
  • \(\mu_i = sigm(w^Tx_i)\)

This is alsocalled the cross-entropy error function. Unfortunately there is no closed form for finding the MLE of this function. We need to use optimization algorithms to find its minimum. The MLE is not well defined if the two classes are linearly separable. If this happens \(w\) becomes large and the sigmoid becomes a step function.


We can use any first order method like gradient descent: $\(g = \frac{d}{dw} NLL(w) = \sum_i (\mu_i - y_i)x_i = X^T(\mu - y)\)$


We can use any second order method like Newtons. $\(H = \frac{d}{dw} g(w)^T = \sum_i (\nabla_w \mu_i)x_i^T = \sum_i \mu_i( 1 - \mu_i)x_i x_i^T = XS^TX\)$

  • \(S \triangleq diag(\mu_i (1 - \mu_i))\)

  • \(H\) is positive definite, hence NLL is convex and has a unique global minimum.

L2 regularization¶

As with linear regression we can put a Gaussian prior onto our weights in logistic regression. Now our Gradient and Hessian becomes:

  • \(f'(w)= NLL(w) + \lambda w^Tw\)

  • \(g'(w) = g(w) + \lambda w\)

  • \(H'(w) = H(w) + \lambda I\)

Multi class logistic regression¶

We can extend logistic regression to multiclass classification.

Bayesian Logistic regression¶

Unfortunatly there is no closed formula to compute the posterior distribution for logistic regression. We have to approximate it instead.

Gaussian approximation with prior¶

We perform Gaussian Approximation of the posterior. First we put an Gaussian prior \(p(w) = N(w| 0, V_0)\) the posteriior becomes:

\[ p(w|D) = N(w| \hat{w}, H^{-1}) \]
  • \(\hat{w} = \arg \min_w E(w)\)

  • \(E(w) = -(\log p (D|w) + \log p(w))\)

  • \(H = |\nabla^2E(w)|_{\hat{w}}\)