Restricted Boltzman Machine¶

  • deep learning model that is also an undirected graphical model.

  • single layer latent variable model

  • energy based model with a single visible and hidden unit $\( p(v=v, v=v) = \frac{1}{Z}\exp \{ =E(u,v)\} \\ E(U,V) = -b^Tv - c^Th - v^TWv \\ Z = \sum_u \sum_v \exp\{-E(u,v)\} \)$

    • \(b,c,w\) are unconstrained learned real values

  • the model is divided int two groups, \(h\) (hidden) and \(v\) (visible) units and the interactions between them is defined by a matrix \(W\)

  • There are not interactions between visible or hidden units (Hense the name restricted)

Conditional distributions¶

\[\begin{split} p(h|v) = \prod_i p(h_i|v) \\ p(v|) = \prod_i p(v_i|h) \end{split}\]
  • the individual conditionals are: $\( p(h_i = 1|v) = \sigma(v^TW_{:,i} + c_i) \\ p(h_i = 0|v) = 1 - p(h_i = 1|v) \)$


  • we can use block Gibbs sampling alternating between sampling all of the hidden units \(h\) and sampling all of the visible units \(v\)

  • the derivative of the energy function is $\( \frac{\partial}{\partial w_{i,j}} E[v,h] = -v_ih_j\)$


  • if we wish to have a deeper model, we have to stack them on top of each other