
Softmax function¶

Softmax is the convex relaxation of the max function.

\[\text{softmax}(\eta)_c = \frac{\exp(\eta_c)}{\sum_{c' = 1}^C \exp(\eta_{c'})}\]

If we take the log of the softmax function we get

\[ \log \text{softmax}(z)_i = z_i - \log \sum_j \exp(z_j) \]
  • \(\log \sum \exp(z_j)\) can be viewed as an approx to \(\max z_j\) this approximation states that \(\exp(z_k)\) is insignificant for any \(z_k\) other than \(\max_j z_j\)

In the log version \(z_i\) directly contributes to the loss function it is hard for it to saturate. It saturates only if there is an extreme difference between input values.

It is invariant to adding a scalar to each of the inputs

\[ \text{softmax}(z) = \text{softmax}(z + c) \]

because of this we an derive an numerically stable softmax variant: $\( \text{softmax}(z) = \text{softmax}(z - \max_i z_i) \)$


We can augument it using a temperature constant T.

If \(T \rightarrow 0\) $\( \text{softmax}(\eta / T)_c = \begin{cases} 1.0 & \text{ if } c = \arg\max_{c'}\eta_{c'} \\ 0.0 & \text{ otherwise } \end{cases} \)$

Essentially the lower the temperature the more the time the distribution spends in the most probable state. As the temperature increases it spends more time uniformly.