
A tree is an abstract data type that stores elements hierarchically. Each element with expect the top element has an parent, and zero or more children. The top element of a tree is called the root of the tree.


Let tree T be a set of nodes storing elements, such that the nodes have a parent-child relationship that satisfies the following properties.

  1. If T is nonempty, it has a special node called the root of T, that has no parent

  2. Each node of T different from the root has a parent node w; every node with parent w is a child of w.

Other Relationships¶

  1. If two or more nodes that share the same parent are siblings.

  2. A node that does not have a child is external (Also known as leaves)

  3. A node is internal if it has one or more children

  4. Ancestor is a node that is above a node v.

  5. Descendant is a node that is below a node v.

  6. Edge of a tree is a pair of nodes \((u,v)\) such that u is the parent of v, or vice versa.

  7. Path is a sentence of nodes each connected by an each.

  8. An tree is order if there is an meaningful linear order among children of each node. So we can identify a child that is first, second and so on.


We use a concept of position as an abstraction fo a node of a tree. An element is stored at each position and positions satisfy parent-child relationships that define the tree structure. Position has a single method:

  • p.element() to retrieve the element under this position

Methods on a tree are:




Returns the position of the root element


Returns true if the position p is the root element of T


Returns the position of parent of p


Returns the number of children of position p


Generate an iteration of children of position p


Returns True if position p does not contain any children


Returns the number of positions (elements) that are contained in the tree T


Return True if three T does not contain any possitions


Generate an iteration of all positions of the tree T


Generate an iteration of all elements stored within tree T