Log partition function¶

An important property of the exponential family is that the derivatives of the log partition function can be used to generate cumulants of the sufficient statistics. For this reason \(A(\theta)\) is sometimes called a cumlant function.

First derivative¶

\[\begin{split} \frac{dA}{d\theta} = \frac{d}{d\theta} (\log \int \exp (\theta \phi(x))h(x)dx) \\ = \frac{ \frac{d}{d\theta} \int \exp(\theta \phi(x)) h(x) dx }{ \int \exp(\theta \phi(x)) h(x) dx } \\ = \frac{\int \phi(x) \exp(\theta \phi (x) h(x) dx)}{\exp(A(\theta))} \\ = \int \phi (x) \exp(\theta \phi(x) - A(\theta)) h(x) dx \\ = \int \phi(x) p(x) dx = E[\phi(x)] \end{split}\]
  • \(p(x) = \exp(\theta \phi(x) - A(\theta))h(x)\)

Second derivative¶

\[\begin{split} \frac{d^2 A}{d\theta^2} = \int \phi(x) \exp(\theta \phi(x) - A(\theta)) h(x)(\phi(x) - A'(\theta))dx \\ = \int \phi(x)p(x) (\phi(x) - A'(\theta))dx \\ = \int \phi^2(x) p(x)dx - A'(\theta) \int \phi(x)p(x)dx \\ = E[\phi^2(x)] - E[\phi(x)]^2 = Var[\phi(x)] \end{split}\]
  • \(p(x) = \exp(\theta \phi(x) - A(\theta))h(x)\)

For the multivariate case we get:

\[\nabla^2 A(\theta) = cov[\phi(x)]\]

Hence the covariance is always positive definite, \(A(\theta)\) is convex.