Hidden units in neural networks¶

In neural networks the output of hidden units is not defined by the data.

Hidden are not required to be differentiable everywhere since in most neural networks no not arrive to a gradient which is zero, however they are not differentiable only at a small number of points.

The general description of a hidden unit is:

\[ g(W^Tx + b) \]

RELU hidden units¶

Rectified linear unit are close to linear and are easy to optimize.


\[ g(z) = \sigma(z) \]

Sigmoid units saturate when z is very positive or negative, they work well only if z is close to 0. Because of this sigmoid activations are not used inside hidden units.

Hyperbolic tangent¶

They closely resemble the identity function when close to 0, and are frequently used in hidden units.

\[ g(z) = \tanh(z) \]

Relationship to sigmoid unit $\( \tanh(z) = 2 \sigma(2z) -1 \)$

Radial basis functions (RBF)¶

\[ h_i = \exp(-\frac{1}{\sigma^2_i} || W_{:,i} - x||^2 ) \]

This becomes more active as x approaches a template \(W_{:,i}\). It is hard to optimize since it saturates to 0 for most x.


This is not advised to use in hidden units. $\( g(a) = \log ( 1 + e^a) \)$

Hard Tanh¶

\[ g(a) = \max(-1, \min(1,a)) \]