Numerically stable ridge regression computation¶
In general ridge regression works better statistically, and it is also easier to numerically fit since \((\lambda I_D + X^TX)\) is much better conditioned especially for large \(\lambda\) . But in general we do not want to invert it. (\(N^3\))
If the prior is of the from \(p(x) = N(0, \Lambda^{-1})\) where \(\Lambda\) is the precision matrix. In case of the ridge regression it is \(\Lambda = (1/\tau^2)\). To avoid penalizing \(w_0\) we just center the data. Now we define the augumented matrices as:
\(\sqrt{\Lambda}\) is from Cholesky decomposition of \(\Lambda = \sqrt{\Lambda}\sqrt{\lambda}^T\).
The estimate for ridge becomes:
Now if we perfrom QR decomposition of \(\tilde{X}\) we get:
Since R is upper triangular it is easy to invert.
Now our ridge estimate is:
\(D >> N\)¶
Than we first perform the SVD of \(X = USV^T\) and define \(Z = US\) than the estimation of ridge becomes:
Here the intuition is that we replace a D dimensional vectors \(x_i\) by N dimensional \(z_i\) and perform the penalized fit. And than we transform the N dimensional solution to the D dimensional solution by multiplying by V. Geometrically it can be viewed as the rotation to a new coordinate system, in which all but the first N coordinates are 0. The overal time it takes is \(O(DN^2)\). We can connect this result to PCA.