Rao Blackwell theorem¶

It is a way to improve the efficiency of initial estimators.

Theorem: Suppose \(g(X)\) is an unbiased estimator of a scalar parametric function \(h(\theta)\) and \(T_i(X); i = 1,2,\cdots p\) are jointly sufficient for \((\theta)\); then there exists an estimator \(u(T)\), depending on the data only through the sufficient statistics, such that $\(E[u(T)] = h(\theta) \\ \text{Var}[u(T)] \le \text{Var}[g(X)]\)$

Improvement in efficiency is obtained by taking the statistic’s conditional expectation with respect to a sufficient statistic (assuming one exists). In other words, a statistic is “sufficient” if it retains all of the information about the population that was contained in the original data points.

Context of random vriables¶

Let \(z\) and \(\theta\) be dependent random variables, and \(f(z, \theta)\) be some scalar function. Then:

\[ var_{z,\theta} [f(z, \theta)] \ge var_z [E_{\theta}[f(z,\theta)|z]] \]

This theorem guarantees that the variance of the estimate is create by analyticially integrating out \(\theta\) will always be lower (or rather never by higher) than the variance of direct MCMC estimate.