Parameter estimation for mixture models¶

In LVM are hiddner variables \(z_i\) which is unobserved. Hence the posterior no longer factorize. Hence computing MAP or ML is compilcated.


The posterior may have multiple modes, and hence it does not have a unique MLE, we say that the parameter is not identifiable.

Unidentifiability can cause a problem for Bayesian inference. If we draw samples from the posterior \(\theta^{(s)} \sim p(\theta|D)\) and the posterior has multiple modes, the average \(\bar{\theta} = \frac{1}{S} \sum_{s=1}^S \theta^{(s)}\) is meaning less.

There are a couple of solution to Unidentifiability

  1. Use MCMC

  2. Use approximate MAP estimation.


An common approach is to use the EM algorithm the algorithm iterates between 2 steps:

  • E step, Inferring the missing values given the parameters

  • M step optimizing the parameters given the “filled in” data