Factor graph¶

  • a way to express undirected graphical models with less ambiguity

    • from the standard notation in MRF, we do not known if the corresponding factor encompasses the whole clique or some of its parts

      • an example if we have a clique of 3 nodes, we can have a single factor for the whole clique, or we can have 3 factors for each possible pairs

  • factor graph is a bipartite graph and has the following nodes:

    • circles: which are random variables as in undirected graphs

    • squares: factors \(\phi\) of unnormalized probability distribution

  • variables and factors can be connected with undirected edges, this connection is there if a variable is a argument of a factor in the unnormalized distribution.

  • there cannot be an connection

    • variable - variable

    • factor - factor

  • an classical undirected graph

  • a factor graph where we have a single factor for the clique of variables a,b,c

  • we have 3 factors in the clique a,b,c